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Idealpos Framework


Idealpos v9 utilises the Idealpos v8 Framework.

If performing a clean installation of Idealpos v9, ensure that the Idealpos v8 Framework is installed first.

If an Idealpos POS Terminal or Back Office is already running a build of v8, the Idealpos v9 Build Installer can be run over the top to upgrade to Idealpos v9.


If Ideal POS System 5.5 or Idealpos 6.0 build 132 or above (required before uninstallation) has been previously installed on the computer, make sure you have un-installed both IPS Framework and Ideal POS System 5.50 Build xx or Idealpos 6.0 from Add/Remove Programs.


Idealpos v8 Framework install, Selecting the SQL Server to install and Upgrade Processes for existing installs

When the Idealpos v7 Framework was installed, it installed SQL Server 2008 R2.

This behaviour has now changed with the Idealpos v8 Framework installation.

Depending on whether you are installing the Idealpos v8 Framework on a system that doesn't contain an existing v7/v7.1 installation (clean install) or installing the Framework on an existing v7/v7.1 system (upgrade), the behaviour will vary and is outlined in further detail as follows:




Idealpos strongly recommends that you have the same SQL Server version installed on all terminals within your site.

By doing this, you will prevent any incompatibility between your terminals should you need to recover or restore a POS terminal using the Overwrite function.

The overwrite function will block a terminal running a newer version of SQL Server from sending an overwrite to a terminal running an older version of SQL Server.


To minimise any problems and to reduce the amount of time spent on upgrading to Idealpos v9, we recommend that you leave your existing Idealpos v7/v7.1 and SQL Server installations in place, then follow the recommended steps listed for each of the below scenarios.

If you would like to take the opportunity to upgrade your SQL Server version, you will need to uninstall Idealpos v7/v7.1 and SQL Server. You can then run the Idealpos v8 Framework which will perform a clean install, at which point you will be given the option to select your desired version of SQL Server to install.


Recommended upgrade process for sites already running Idealpos v7


Recommended upgrade process for sites already running Idealpos v7.1


Recommended install process for new sites that are not running Idealpos


Recommended install process for adding new terminals to an existing v8 installation


IPS Client Method - Open the IPS Client by clicking on the system tray icon.

If the icon doesn't appear in the system tray as shown in the below example, you may need to press the up arrow to display hidden icons.

If the IPS Client icon does not appear in the Windows System Tray, Idealpos might be closed. Start Idealpos which will also start IPS Client.



Click on any terminal shown in the list.



The IPS Client - Terminal Overview window will be displayed. The SQL version will appear in brackets next to the CPU name.



SQL Query Method - You can determine the SQL Server version by running an SQL Query (SELECT @@VERSION) via the SQLCMD tool.

Go to: Start > Idealpos > IPSUtils.

Within the IPS Utility, go to: Advanced > SqlCmd Line.



Within the SQLCMD window, enter the following commands, ensuring that you press ENTER after each line.




The SQL Server version will be displayed as shown in the example below:



Once you have determined the version of SQL Server, proceed as follows:


Run the Idealpos v8 Framework on your new terminals that don't already contain an installation of SQL Server or Idealpos.

When prompted, select the SQL Server version that matches your existing terminals.

The Idealpos v8 Framework installer will download and install the selected version of SQL Server as part of the Framework install.



If SQL Server 2019 was found on your existing terminals but the new terminal(s) are running a 32-bit version of Windows, you cannot proceed with the Framework installation on your new terminals.

This is because SQL Server 2019 cannot be installed on a 32-bit Operating System.

Installing an older version of SQL Server onto the new terminals is also not an option because overwrites cannot be sent from a system or terminal running a newer version of SQL Server to a system or terminal running an older version of SQL Server.


In this particular scenario, you will be forced to organise terminal(s) with a 64-bit version of Windows.

Alternatively, you can install a 64-bit version of Windows onto the new terminals if they support it (e.g. new terminals contain 64-bit processors, POS terminal supports 64-bit version of Windows and 64-bit drivers for the POS terminal hardware can be sourced).


Installing Idealpos Framework


To Install the Idealpos Framework, copy the Idealpos-Framework.exe onto your local hard disk and run the file.



The Idealpos Framework will unpack the required files to the following locations, depending on your OS:

C:\Program Files\Common Files\Idealpos Solutions

C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Idealpos Solutions




The License Agreement will appear.

Once you have read and agree to the license agreement, tick ‘I agree to these terms and conditions’ and then press next.



The Idealpos 8 Framework can be installed in two stages, the Idealpos Prerequisites and .NET Framework / SQL Support Files.

Tick both for a complete installation or un-tick Idealpos Prerequisites if you would like to install this at a later stage.



If you are performing a clean install of the v8 Framework onto a system which does not already have Idealpos or SQL Server installed, the Framework install will display a prompt for you to:

Download and install SQL Server - This will download and install SQL Server 2014 on a 32-bit Operating System or will install SQL Server 2019 on a 64-bit Operating System.

Advanced SQL Server Options - This will enable the user to select a specific version of SQL Server to install in the next step.



Pressing the "Advanced SQL Server Options" will display further SQL Server versions that can be selected from the list and installed:




The first part of the installation process will copy all the files required by Idealpos into the Installation Folder and unpack the Installer Files required for the installation of the system components and the SQL Server version that was selected.



The Installer will then check to see which system components are installed and install the appropriate system components as necessary.



The Microsoft .NET 4.6 Framework installation will commence if not already installed.



It does not matter if you have a 32bit or 64bit machine, Idealpos includes both installers and will select the correct one for your system and extract the files to install. Note that the below example screenshot shows SQL Server 2019 Express which is only available on 64-bit Operating Systems.

If you are running a 32-bit Operating System and are performing a clean installation on a system that doesn't already have Idealpos installed, SQL Server 2014 Express will be installed.



The SQL installation will begin.



The SQL installation begins to copy files and install the software.



If Windows Firewall is enabled, click ‘Unblock’ or ‘Allow Access’ when prompted.

This message will only appear the first time the software is started.



Windows 8.1

Windows 10 and Windows 11